[:de]Prohn & Spott – Time[:pl]Prohn&Spott – De Tiet[:]
[:de] There´s a big white rabbit running to a hole. He got no time to tell you where he has been. Mortality, fading like the sun. Did he believe that I’m theRead More…
[:de] There´s a big white rabbit running to a hole. He got no time to tell you where he has been. Mortality, fading like the sun. Did he believe that I’m theRead More…
[:de] Flashing lights and blaring sirens Voices screaming, children crying The world is turning And deafening my head I’m trying to recall my memory To escape this mess inside me I can’tRead More…
[:de] Du liegst in meinen Armen, die zerschnitten sind. Du schluckst eine Pille, gegen dein ungeborenes Kind. Du schaust auf einen Teller, mit gesplittertem Rand. Anstelle Honig hast du Blut an deinerRead More…
[:de] Don’t know anymore the times before they’re too far away and they’re gone I was glad that you had come How priceless is time just leaves it’s signs I’ll never getRead More…
Saterdag mörgn Und we sünd all up tied up de Been` All Frün` up visit Und we plaustern d`r fix tegen an Al de heele knojerei Wie heb`n datt so leb stuurRead More…
Wat sall ik sergen Liebe vegeit und so go ik Dor helpt ok kin klogen Den ik lieb di einfach ni Ih hebt versöcht Ih hebt mien läben lang versöcht Nu steelRead More…
There´s a big white rabbit running to a hole. He got no time to tell you where he has been. Mortality, fading like the sun. Did he believe that I’m the chosenRead More…
Ik kwam to mien olden un ik frach watt gift denn neeis Se vertellen mi well nu alweer stürven is Ik frach „kenn ik den?“ und se seggen „ney“ avers is miRead More…